
The Use of Signs and Why Size Matters

Safety signs are important tools that industries utilise in order to keep their employees safe and informed, however, these signs are only effective if they can be seen clearly and understood. Depending on the desired location of the sign, the sizing makes a big difference to visibility and ultimately the safety of the workforce. In the UK we work towards these guidelines: To view up to 10 metres away:
  • A landscape sign would need to be 300 x 100mm
  • A portrait sign would need to be 210 x 297mm (A4)
To view up to 15 metres away:
  • A landscape sign would need to be 400 x 150mm
  • A portrait sign would need to be 300 x 400mm
To view up to 20 metres away:
  • A landscape sign would need to be 600 x 200mm
  • A portrait sign would need to be 420 x 594mm (A2)
These size guidelines should enable a well sighted individual to be able to clearly view the image and associated text up to the specified distances. The appropriate sized signage can mean the difference between someone being made aware of a risk and adjusting their behaviour accordingly, as opposed to an individual unknowingly putting themselves at an increased risk. The location of safety signs is also very important to ensure they are relevant and appropriate, the HSE recommends that all signs are durable, well maintained, and securely fastened. They should be placed at eye level or within close proximity to the risk they are highlighting, for example, a warning sign for a specific machine should be next to or on the corresponding machine. Signs indicating fire exits are to be mounted above the doors to highlight the fire exit route to be taken in the case of an evacuation.

